RPM is an international logistics and supply chain solutions company based in Royal Oak, Michigan. RPM specializes in freight transportation and vehicle logistics across North America and Europe. As a non-asset logistics company, RPM invests heavily in modern technologies and automation solutions.
RPM uses an internal whiteboard to display and process orders that come in as email attachments. This is a time-intensive process that requires employees to manually hunt down orders. To reduce human involvement, RPM wants to automate incoming order emails and significantly minimize manually processed orders.
Our Automated VIN Integration Software achieves this by automating vehicle order types processed by email. The software receives incoming email orders, classifies the attachments and extracts details for order creation. Our AI models analyze text and CSV files, providing manual order creation for additional file types. Our software improves error detection by using external tools and common data input patterns for order validation.
The software visualizes order statistics and customized metrics tailored to the customer or specific date ranges, enabling improved customer insight. Brokers can access the software on RPM’s internal company apps platform for simple integration into current processes. Our software provides automated support to RPM brokers, minimizing overhead costs and significantly reducing order processing time.
The React front end and Flask back end are containerized using Docker and hosted on Azure hosting services. Our software uses Python and JavaScript, in addition to various Azure services. Utilizing Azure functions and HTTP triggers, the software classifies and uploads documents. OpenAI’s API extracts text and returns a structured JSON output. After error checking, the JSON formatted order is posted to the RPM order API from Flask.