CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Vectra AI is a leader in the cybersecurity field, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to provide clients with state-of-the-art threat detection and real-time response across all domains of enterprise systems. With over a decade of experience, Vectra AI provides security for enterprises in 113 countries.

Today, more than 62% of all network intrusions originate from third-party vulnerabilities. Modern organizations integrate many third-party services into their technology ecosystems. However, most offer little to no visibility into attacks that span different technologies and providers. These attacks are known as hybrid attacks, and they are a critical weakness in many security systems.

It is essential that Vectra AI train their AI models to detect threats coming from any direction, including these traditional blind spots occupied by hybrid attacks. The main limitation of trying to protect against hybrid attacks, is that there is limited data available to use for training AI models.

Our Hybrid Cyberattack Simulator takes Vectra’s existing Command and Control Simulator to new heights by introducing tools that generate realistic hybrid attack data. These simulated hybrid attacks produce valuable network traffic data that is displayed on a dashboard and aggregated for easy model training.

Vectra engineers use the simulated attack data to train and improve their detection systems to be able to handle these hybrid attacks that were previously underrepresented.

Our system increases the effectiveness and breadth of Vectra AI’s security service, and in turn, improves the security of Vectra AI’s clients.

Our server is hosted on Amazon Web Services in an EC2 instance, and our entire application set is written in Python. Our server communication with the client is achieved over multiple protocols.