CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Founded in 1987, TechSmith is the global leader in screen recording and screen capture technologies. TechSmith creates software that empowers people to produce extraordinary videos and images. One of TechSmith’s key software products, Camtasia, currently has over 39 million users.

As video editing can be time-consuming and difficult to learn, many people are unfamiliar with the process. Additionally, most video editing applications have a large learning curve requiring hours of practice. This creates a problem as many people find themselves unable to enhance or improve a video with ease.

To combat this issue, our Enhanced Video Assistant (EVA) web application enables users to upload videos to be edited by our AI systems. Our software receives a given video and, with a click of a button, seamlessly transforms it into a well-polished product, saving users’ time and energy.

To do this, our system analyzes which segments of a video are most important by using voice recognition and computer vision. EVA removes the unnecessary clips from the video, while retaining the key segments, ensuring that only the best parts remain.

In addition to condensing the video, our software normalizes and balances the video’s audio content by filtering out stuttering and background noises.

Finally, our platform contains an AI audience which provides an in-depth rating of the clarity, engagement, and tone of the video content, informing the user about the quality of their video.

Using our tool, video editing is seamless, enabling anyone to make an expertly crafted video regardless of experience.

The back end of our Enhanced Video Assistant is built using FastAPI, while the front end uses ReactJS. The web application is hosted on Microsoft Azure. EVA uses OpenAI Whisper and Azure AI Video Indexer to analyze the videos.