CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

RPM is an international logistics and supply chain solutions company based in Royal Oak, Michigan. RPM specializes in freight transportation and vehicle logistics across North America, including Mexico and Canada.

As a non-asset logistics company, RPM invests heavily in supporting customers and carriers. RPM has 24/7 on-call representatives which aid carriers but increase operational cost. RPM wants to increase the efficiency of helping carriers and customers alike while reducing costs.

Our Voice Transcription System provides customer service by answering any inquiries the clients have over the phone. The system seamlessly addresses a diverse number of inquiries from carriers and customers without the need of a representative.

Furthering the goal of seamless customer service, our system boasts advanced caller recognition technology that identifies users by their voice. This eliminates the need for users to provide additional information, ensuring swift and hassle-free assistance.

Our system fosters natural interactions and supports Spanish conversations for non-English speakers. System administrators can view callers’ data on the web portal. Our system also takes initiative while assisting callers to update crucial information from carriers and clients, again improving efficiency with little effort.

Our system provides high-quality assistance to carriers, reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

The Voice Transcription API is a back-end service that is integrated with phone calls and an admin portal. The service utilizes Python Flask as well as OpenAI, Azure AI, Turvo, Twilio, and React. The Voice Transcription API is hosted on Python Flask. OpenAI’s API provides natural language processing, Azure AI translates speech in real-time, Twilio’s API manages incoming and outgoing calls, while Turvo’s API pulls data from RPM’s database.