CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Enviroweather is a free online resource that provides Michigan farmers and agricultural stakeholders with weather-based tools to help them make pest, disease, plant-production and natural resource management decisions. Enviroweather provides more than 60 different weather, pest, disease and crop predictors.

These prediction models provide Michigan agriculturalists with essential data that they can utilize to make informed decisions regarding farm management.

Approximately half of Enviroweather’s users access their website via a mobile phone while in the field. However, the current website is not optimized for mobile devices, which leads to difficulties loading and accessing data.

Our Enviroweather Mobile application solves this problem by providing users a way to access Enviroweather’s models through an app that is designed and optimized for mobile use. The app is downloaded onto mobile devices and enables users to view all of Enviroweather’s helpful metrics in a seamless and easy-to-use way.

Our mobile app contains all of the models that are found on the Enviroweather website. One example is a model that displays information about current and forecasted weather conditions such as temperature and precipitation.

Enviroweather Mobile also contains new and unique models that provide more specific information to agriculturalists to assist in crop management. These models include insights on leaf wetness, soil moisture, and crop pests and diseases.

Having these models in an easy-to-use mobile app enables agriculturalists to make informed decisions about crops, animals, plant diseases, and more.

The front end of our app uses React Native, JavaScript, and CSS. The back end is composed of Enviroweather’s API and the National Weather Service’s API.