CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Founded in 1957, Magna has established itself as a pioneering force in the global automotive industry. With over six decades of experience, it is more than just a supplier; it is a visionary leader, driving the evolution of the automotive industry.

Managing an entire factory is difficult. With moving machinery, containers, and various supplies, keeping track of everything means walking through the factory and locating objects as needed, which can be very time-consuming. While some of the necessary information is digitalized, Magna currently has no centralized resource for all its factory data.

Our 3D digital factory twin web app using WebGPU fixes this problem by creating a way for managers to view a digital model of their factory. The system enhances the efficiency and convenience with which floor managers can supervise their facilities.

Our system enables employees to create digital models of their factory by importing files to portray all the various parts and objects. Objects are then translated and rotated to be placed in their correct spot on the factory floor.

Once the model is built, an outline list on the screen displays all relevant objects within the digital factory twin. If more information on an object is desired, clicking the object in the list brings up a menu showing its position, name, object ID, and other relevant data.

Live data updates and alert statuses are visually represented. For a given object, if a sensor identifies readings above a set threshold, such as a high temperature, the alert system is triggered. The user is then notified with the object details and the object is highlighted within the digital twin so it can be monitored.

The front end is built with Vue for the UI and WebGPU via Orillusion for 3D Rendering. The back end is built in Docker with MongoDB for file storage and EMQX MQTT Broker for handling real-time data transmission.