CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

HAP is a Detroit-based healthcare insurer that covers customers of all sizes whether they’re a corporation or an individual. With a workforce of roughly 1,100 employees, HAP provides for over 430,000 members.

With such a large number of customers, HAP is looking for ways to increase the productivity of its employees, and artificial intelligence (AI) is a new option. HAP is looking for a way to teach its managerial staff the basics of AI, such as popular large language models (LLMs), and different ways of using them.

Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) Training Course is an education platform with multiple modules that HAP employees can complete to gain an understanding of AI basics.

Since this covers the basics exclusively, the entire course takes only 15-30 minutes to complete. Content is presented in both text and audio/video format. The audio/video content is exhibited by an AI powered avatar, or “professor.” Additionally, the “professor” supports interaction with the user through a chat feature where the user can type or speak questions to receive specific and instant feedback.

Employees take the course module by module and test their retention of the content with mini quizzes. With the completion of this course, employees can leverage AI in their daily lives.

Training a work force to be proficient in the use of AI will enable HAP employees to be more efficient and more productive in the course of their work.

The front end of our application is powered by Next.js, TypeScript, and shadcn/ui for a professional user interface and experience. The back end of our application is powered by Python and FastAPI with MongoDB as the database for the course content. OpenAI powers the avatar’s interactivity and Docker containerizes both the front end and back end to be deployed to GCP.