CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Evolutio is a software consulting company that specializes in delivering innovative solutions to complex technological challenges, empowering businesses to thrive within the tech industry. With approximately 33 employees, the company operates two offices, one in Chicago, and one in Manchester, UK.

Evolutio has many important clients who need data on their projects presented attractively in reports. However, exporting the relevant data from their internal tools and formatting it in a visually appealing and professional manner is a time-consuming process for the consultants and architects working on projects. Much of this work is repetitive and is the same from week to week.

Our Evo Project Reporting Tool makes report generation easy with a web-based report generation tool that integrates with Evolutio’s existing project management tools. Our tool pulls the necessary data for a project and produces high quality PDF reports alongside other exportation formats such as JSON and CSV, that can be provided to stakeholders at all stages of an engagement.

Utilizing the Asana API for real-time data extraction, our software ensures information is consistently updated, providing users with the most current project insights. Our software meticulously processes this data, facilitating its smooth presentation for an intuitive user experience.

Through our tool, Evolutio generates attractive reports with ease, allowing them to focus on making technological strides.

The technological backbone of the Evo Project Reporting Tool includes Next.js and ReactJS for a responsive front-end interface, complemented by a Node.js and Express framework back end. This setup is optimized for efficient data management and seamless user interaction. Okta’s authentication system enhances security, while Asana’s API integration ensures real-time project updates, maintaining operational efficiency and data accuracy.