CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2024
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Founded in 1916, Auto-Owners Insurance is a Fortune 500 company employing more than 4,700 associates, and providing nearly 5.6 million insurance policies across 26 states. Auto-Owners has been headquartered in Lansing, Michigan for over 100 years.

Auto-Owners offers a wide range of vehicle coverage. Navigating through the intricacies of the various vehicle insurance policies can be overwhelming. To help mitigate this, Auto-Owners is looking to create comprehensive ways for policyholders to learn more about loss prevention and insurance for vehicle parts.

Our Policyholder’s Interactive Guide (PIG) is an augmented reality application that enables users to interact with vehicle parts and associated insurance coverage information in real time using the Microsoft Hololens 2.

Once wearing the HoloLens 2, users select from three distinct modes: panel, full virtual object, and object detection. In panel mode, users are presented with a list of vehicle components in which they choose a component from a simple two-dimensional menu to learn more about.

In full virtual object mode, users select a fully virtual vehicle model. Once selected, the three-dimensional vehicle model appears and the user can view different vehicle components on the model to reveal in-depth insurance information about that object.

Lastly, in object detection mode, the user can approach various components on real-world vehicles and the system provides the user with coverage information.

Using our system, Auto-Owners’ policyholders save time and money, and are provided the best possible customer service experience.

The PIG: Policyholder’s Interactive Guide is built in Unity using the Mixed Reality Toolkit and is written in C#. Object detection uses Azure Custom Vision to detect real-world objects.