CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2023
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

WK Kellogg Co, home of the world’s most memorable cereal brands, is one of the largest food manufacturing companies in the nation. Located in Battle Creek, Michigan, WK Kellogg Co was created recently as a spinoff of Kellogg’s.

Supply chain manufacturing is the backbone of WK Kellogg Co’s iconic brand. After spinning off as the leading manufacturer of ready-to-eat cereal, WK Kellogg Co is charted to achieve aggressive margin improvements by improving their internal software to meet the demands of their new enterprise.

Our Global Business Services Process Intelligence website is accessible to plant employees and supports them in performing their day-to-day tasks.

A major concern of WK Kellogg Co leadership is the discontinuation of the data integration software they currently use. Our website replaces this system and connects multiple data centers together, offering a smooth flow of data. Using our website, employees can compare live data and customize it according to their needs.

Our website offers the option of charting data by simply clicking on the specified row in the table, providing a wider array of options to study and analyze the data. These features support WK Kellogg Co’s mission of creating greater strategic focus and operational flexibility.

Our Global Business Services Process Intelligence website is supporting WK Kellogg Co in this transition period by not only replacing the current tool, but improving upon it.

Our Global Business Services Process Intelligence website is developed using HTML CSS and JavaScript for a modern, friendly, and easy-to-use user interface. The data is stored in an SQL Database and Flask used in Python connects the front end and back end smoothly.