Auto-Owners Insurance is one of the largest insurance companies in the United States. Operating in 26 different states, along with the corporate office based in Lansing, Michigan, Auto-Owners services almost 3 million policyholders.
With such a large company, there is a plethora of employees throughout the states of operation. Every one of these employees must perform to the standards of the company, and the recruiting team plays a significant role in this. This team works diligently to find the best people for the numerous positions that exist at Auto-Owners. With so much potential talent, there is a great deal of work involved in finding the best candidates.
Our RecruiTrack system is a web application that alleviates the amount of labor that recruiters must use to keep track of all the different places from where they recruit talent, as well as tracks the information that must be noted to make sure all the recruiting events they attend are properly staffed and fully funded.
As RecruiTrack is populated with the data that recruiters at Auto-Owners must keep track of, this application becomes a one-stop shop for all things recruiting. It can be accessed through any device that has a web browser.
The app automates reports that must be generated by recruiters to get funding approved for all the events that they organize each year, provides accessible, easy-to-read tables with all the essential recruiting data they currently have, and enables users to manually input and edit data in the application.
With RecruiTrack, recruiters spend less time on manual data entry and writing reports, instead spending more time out in the field finding the best, new talent through this intuitive website.
RecruiTrack is hosted on a Windows server with our front-end software built with Angular, our back-end software built with Java, and a Microsoft Azure SQL Server Database for database hosting.