CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2018
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

USAA is a Fortune 500 company based in San Antonio, Texas. USAA provides a range of competitive financial products and services to the military community and their families.

Life insurance is one of USAA’s primary services. Applying for life insurance can be a time-consuming and tedious process for customers.

Our Life Insurance Made Easy app (LIMElight) delivers personalized quotes quickly and easily, thereby expediting the underwriting process and converting more life insurance applicants to enrolled USAA members. LIMElight accomplishes this by using machine learning and blockchain technology.

Applicants use a mobile-friendly web app to answer a few questions about their demographic and lifestyle. Our machine learning model then assesses the risk class of the applicant and quickly generates a personalized life insurance quote.

LIMElight also enables USAA and medical providers to exchange applicant medical records via blockchain technology.

Due to the nature of blockchain, information stored on the blockchain is secure, immutable and easily accessible by authorized parties. As a result, USAA underwriters have quicker access to the medical records that are critical in the life insurance underwriting process.

Our LIMElight quote generation web app is built utilizing React with a Python machine learning component. Our medical record interface uses Angular with a Hyperledger blockchain solution.