CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2017
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

The Phoenix Group (TPG), founded in 2001, is the largest independent Point of Sale (POS) distributor in the industry. Leveraging distribution agreements with every major manufacturer, TPG supplies banks and independent sales organizations with POS equipment and services.

TPG POS systems are custom-configured for each of its many customers. TPG technicians traverse through their large warehouse to pick up the parts and pieces needed to build each customized POS device. Maximizing warehouse order-picking efficiency is a high priority to meet increasing order volumes.

Our OPEN v2.0: Smart Order Picking app adds intelligent interactive order-picking features to TPG’s proprietary logistics app OPEN. Our new features guide order pickers along the fastest route to fulfill an order and track inventory in real time.

Our app displays a warehouse map, which indicates the current location of the tablet, the items that must be picked for an order, and the fastest route to retrieve them all. Inventory is updated immediately when an item is picked so that warehouse stock is continuously up to date.

Our OPEN v2.0: Smart Order Picking features increase the speed that orders can be fulfilled and decrease the frequency of error throughout the process.

OPEN v2.0 is a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application written in C#. It communicates with a backend API written in Node.js. An array of Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons broadcasts signals, which are used to determine location within the warehouse.