CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2016
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Design Day Schedule

Friday, December 9, 2016
Michigan State University Engineering Building

Team Project Exhibits

The computer science capstone projects are on exhibit in the Engineering Building. from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The project exhibits are located in the first floor in the hallway parallel to Shaw Lane.

Admission is free and open to the public. Visitors are welcome.

Team Presentations to Judges

Throughout the morning, the capstone teams compete for four prestigious awards. As part of the competition, each capstone team gives a formal presentation to a panel of judges in the Engineering Building on the 3rd floor in Room 3405 .

Visitors, including family members and corporate sponsors, are encouraged to attend. The schedule of presentations is given below.

College Awards Ceremony

The Design Day Awards are presented at the College of Engineering Design Day Awards Ceremony, which is held in Anthony Hall, Room 1281 starting at 1:15 p.m..

Maps and Directions

For driving directions, maps, and parking information see Maps and Directions.

Schedule of Events and Presentations

Design Day Schedule of Events
Time Event Location
7:30 a.m. - 12:01 p.m. Team Presentations to Judges    Engineering Building, Room 3405
8:00 a.m. - Noon Team Project Exhibits Engineering Building, First Floor Hallway
1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. College Awards Ceremony Anthony Hall, Room 1281
Schedule of Team Presentations
Engineering Building, Room 3405
Time   Team   Presentation
7:30 a.m.AmazonAsa: Your Amazon Shopping Assistant
7:46 a.m.Auto-OwnersMobile Event App
8:02 a.m.AvataSecurity Analytics Suite: Dataset Merger Tool
8:18 a.m.FordSYNC Calendar
8:34 a.m.GMGemini: Predictive Rich Cards
8:50 a.m.MeijerIntelligent Shopping List
9:06 a.m.MozillaImprovements to Select Dropdown for Firefox
9:22 a.m.MSUFCUMember Ratings and Reviews
9:38 a.m.Break
9:53 a.m.Quicken LoansPharos: Hiring Process Automation
10:09 a.m.RookAnomaly Detection Suite v2.0
10:25 a.m.Spectrum HealthHealthier Communities Time Banking
10:41 a.m.SymantecWeb Frameworks for Multi-Factor Authentication
10:57 a.m.TechSmithVideo Sentiment Analysis
11:13 a.m.Urban ScienceDealership Simulator 2017
11:29 a.m.WhirlpoolMooch
11:45 p.m.YelloVisualizing Dynamic Data Exploration

Design Day Booklet

A complete list of events, information about the computer science capstone project sponsors, team presentations schedule, projects, and previous award winners are found in the Design Day Booklet.