CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2014
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

TechSmith is a software company based in Okemos, Michigan and is well-known for their screen capture and recording software, which is widely used in educational settings for computer-based learning activities.

TechSmith is using the latest technology to develop a wide variety of tools to make an impact on education.

Our ClassView software models a classroom environment and is built on top of the cloud file storage provided by Google Drive. Our software is comprised of two distinct applications, the Teacher Dashboard and the Student Dashboard.

The Teacher Dashboard simplifies classroom management for teachers. Teachers have the ability to create and assign projects, and to review student progress on them. Teachers can create classes, add students to classes, and create groups within each class. Teachers are also able to monitor how students are sharing files via notifications in order to ensure file security.

While using the Student Dashboard, students can work on their assignments while having the necessary limited access to the Google Drive interface. Students are able to collaborate with classmates, view their progress on current assignments and receive reminders on homework due dates.

The ClassView Teacher Dashboard and Student Dashboard are Google Chrome applications that are written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Teacher Dashboard also uses the JavaScript framework AngularJS.