CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2013
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Team Whirlpool

Connected Appliance SmartZones App

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Whirlpool Corporation is a leader of the global home appliance industry. With appliances in every major category, Whirlpool offers products to serve all kinds of household needs with innovative features and cutting edge technology.

Whirlpool's latest generation of “Connected Appliances” offers increased energy savings and convenience on-the-go through specialized smartphone apps.

Our Connected Appliance SmartZones App enables Whirlpool customers to create and manage so-called “SmartZones,” which provide customers with important information about their appliances and automate appliance features. There are four types of SmartZones.

The VacationZone controls home appliances while customers are away from home. The ComfortZone is perfect for “set it and forget it” temperature management. Both of these zones reduce energy costs and automate appliance operations.

In addition, the AlertMeZone and RemindMeZone send Whirlpool Connected Appliance customers information about maintenance and regular replacement parts such as water filters.

Our Connected Appliance SmartZone App uses a diverse range of technologies including location services and the Whirlpool Connected Appliance API. Our app is written in Objective-C for iPhones and Java for Android phones.

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Team Whirlpool

Connected Appliance SmartZones App

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MSU Team Members
Joe Wandyez, Birmingham, Michigan
Jack Schinderle, Grand Ledge, Michigan
Josh Geschwendt, Zeeland, Michigan
Anthony D'Onofrio, White Lake, Michigan