CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2013
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Team Urban Science

Dealership Consultant Mobile App

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Urban Science provides automobile manufacturers and dealers worldwide with software tools and analysis that enable their clients to evaluate and manage their dealer networks more effectively and more efficiently.

The Dealership Consultant Mobile App enables Urban Science consultants and field personnel to prepare for and to manage dealer visits by providing mobile access to dealer key performance indicators (KPIs) and by providing ways to track dealer visits using an iPad.

Consultants use our Dealership Consultant Mobile App in a variety of valuable ways. For example, they use it to prepare for consultations. The application identifies areas for dealer improvement based on KPIs, showing value, rank and percentile. Visually appealing graphs and charts are used to present the information to dealers in meaningful ways.

During dealer visits, consultants use our Dealership Consultant Mobile App to document the visit including agreements on areas, tasks and timeframes for improvements. These are then tracked to determine if the desired effects are achieved.

In addition, our app provides historical trends of KPIs by dealer thereby giving consultants and dealers a better understanding of the effects of changes over time and better ideas for making improvements in the future.

The application is implemented using Cordova, JavaScript, HTML5 and PHP to access data on a SQL database.

Team Photo

Team Urban Science

Dealership Consultant Mobile App

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MSU Team Members
Joe Greer, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Yev Khessin, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Austin Hendry, Okemos, Michigan