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 Our penultimate all-hands meeting.
|  Meredith gives out last minute instructions.
|  The big thumbs up! We're ready!
|  Team Boeing. Jake Newsted, Max Ellison, Kevin Liening, Dan Sosnowski.
|  Team Ford. Kevin Klemmer, Alex Conklin, Andrew Crouch, Brandon D'Orazio.
|  Team Google. Jason Harris, Mike Platt, Karthik Balasubramanian, Anthony Talerico.
|  Team Meijer. Mike Sanburn, Mark Schwerzler, David Oeffner, Nick Ovenhouse.
 Team Mozilla. Kevin Woodward, Michael Anderson, Chelsea Carr, Matt Vorce.
|  Quicken Loans. Nic Speeter, Richard Hofmeister, Reed Fielstra, Justin Mrkva.
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 The first Design Day visitors arrive.
|  Team Auto-Owners presents Pig "E" Bank to the Design Day judges.
|  One last question from the other corner of the room.
 The judges watch Team Boeing's project video about Design, Fly and Compete Sim Suite V2.0.
|  David Ward poses with his proud parents.
|  Dan Sosnowski takes a quick break to snap a photo with family.
 Team Ford fields questions about their MyKey Report Card.
|  Kevin Klemmer of Team Ford explains their database schema.
|  Team GE Aviation's Andy Matteson describes their TIFF decoder and encoder.
 Zack Pepin answers questions about manipulating images on the iPad.
|  Max Ellison's dad and mom stop by for a demo and a photo.
|  Professor Matt Mutka learns about WebGL and Three.js from Dan Sosnowski of Team Boeing.
 College of Engineering Deans Tom Wolff and Satish Udpa visit with Team Mozilla.
|  Michael Anderson demonstrates Reader Mode for Desktop Firefox.
|  Jason Harris fields a question from the Design Day judges about Java Data Objects.
 Design Day judge Kevin Ohl takes notes while judges Louise Hemond-Wilson and Mike Drazan think up some tough questions.
|  Team Google explain how Google engineers will use their Indexing System Mobile Dashboard.
|  Design Day judges probe the architecture of Team Meijer's IT ePager System.
 Judge Greg Davidison asks about creating and editing pager message templates.
|  Ben Blaut and Kyle Gosen of Team TechSmith show their Snagit Power Tools to Design Day guests.
|  Team Whirlpool poses with their clients Mike Jakeway and Vince Ireland.
 CSE 100 students learn about Team Meijer's project while they are presenting to the judges.
|  The clients of Team Spectrum Health, Ted Droski and Adam Bakker, grab a photo op with their MSU team.
|  Team Meijer snaps a photo with their clients Alan Baldridge, Todd Castor, Bob Galdys and Randy Brower.
 Pat Hartford of Quicken Loans poses with his MSU team.
|  Brandon D'Orazio talks with CSE100 students about Team Ford's MyKey Report Card.
|  Randy Brower of Mejier test drives the IT ePager System.
 CSE academic adviser Teresa VanderSloot learns about Pig "E" Bank from David Ward.
|  David Markachev shows off Team TechSmiths Snagit Power Tools to Design Day attendees.
|  Design Day judge Fred Killeen glances at Team Mozilla's project plan before asking some tough questions.
 Chelsea Carr illustrates the use of existing defined classes from the Firefox codebase.
|  Team Mozilla listens intently to a question about their Reader Mode fro Desktop Firefox.
|  Team Mozilla wishes Team Quicken Loans luck with the Design Day judges.
 Derrick Neier of Team Whirlpool chats with a Design Day visitor about their Connected Appliances Analytics Dashboard.
|  Whirlpool engineers Carl Wendtland and Fred Bellio support their MSU student team on Design Day.
|  Rich Hofmeister of Team Quicken Loans explains how the rich text format is implemented in their Secure Note Taking and Collaboration Tools.
 Team Quick Loans' Justin Mrkva describes the use of AJAX for client-server communication.
|  Eric Dostie talks about aggregating medication shortage data for Team Spectrum Health's Medication Shortages Dashboard.
|  Area high school students learn about Team Meijer's IT ePager System from Mark Mark Schwerzler.
 While Team TechSmith presents to the judges, local area high school students take note about their Snagit Power Tools.
|  TA Meredith Schmidt visits with Ramata Kourmare and Aaron Consentino of Team Spectrum Health.
|  Team Boeing poses with their Boeing client, Jayson Vincent.
 Jared Wein of Mozilla grabs a photo with his MSU team.
|  Ben Blaut explains the MapMaker Snagit Power Tool to the Design Day judges.
|  Team TechSmith breathes a collective sigh of relief.
 Team Urban Science waits with their clients to present to the judges.
|  A Design Day guest take photos and videos with her iPad.
|  A proud mom poses with her son, Richard Hofmeister of Team Quicken Loans.
 Caught in the act! No sitting! Get up!
|  Professor George Stockman inquires about Team GE Aviation's Mobile Avionics Satellite Imagery.
|  Aaron Consentino snaps one for the family photo album with his proud dad and mom.
 Team Auto-Owner's David Ward explains Pig "E" Bank to a professor visiting from Wayne State University.
|  Design Day judges probing the architecture of Team Urban Science's Mobile Geography Management.
|  Team Whirlpool anticipates questions while watching their project video with the judges.
 Audience members take notes during the presentations to the Design Day judges.
|  Everyone enjoys a light moment during Team Whirlpool's Q&A.
|  Joe Touhey explains the functions that export custom reports to PDF's and CSV's.
 Design Day judges Brian Loomis and Louise Hemond-Wilson visit with Team GE Aviation.
|  Team Spectrum Health is questioned by Design Day judge Greg Davidson.
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 Fix your tie, Dr. D.!
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| |  College of Engineering Dean Satish Udpa closes the Awards Ceremony.