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 Our penultimate all-hands meeting.
| |  Team Boeing. Joshua J. Theisen, Devin Rosen, Christopher Heuser, Nicholas Palm.
 Team Ford. William S. White, Jin Hou, Luke Davis, Danh Tran.
|  Team GE Aviation. Jacob Walker, Jason Cepela, Mitchell Thelen, Johnathan Richter.
|  Team Meijer. Riti Adhi, Peter Rifel, Andrew Rockwell, Mark Sun.
|  Team Sparrow. Travis Newport, Angela Mireau, Johnathan Happ.
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| |  The big thumbs up!
 We're ready. Open the doors.
|  Peter Rifel poses with his proud dad and mom.
|  Team Auto-Owners explains their 24-Hour Road Service Mobile Apps.
 A local high school student checks out Team TechSmith's Mobile Web Reporter.
|  Team GE Aviation's NextGen Aircraft Taxi Assistance is tested by a licensed pilot.
|  Team Meijer answers questions about their Tablet-Based Point-of-Sale System.
 Chris Heuser celebrates with his dad and mom.
|  Design Day guests peruse the computer science exhibits.
|  Grandma, mom and dad are all proud of Jason Cepela.
 Team Motorola shows off their Synchronized Program Content Delivery.
|  Collin Lotus takes time for a quick photo with his mom and dad.
|  CSE freshmen interivew Team Urban Science about their Visual Hierarchy Selection system.
 Mark Sun with his proud dad and mom smile for Dr. D.
|  Team Sparrow presents their iSupport Device Management System.
|  Dad, Johnathan Richter, and mom enjoy Design Day.
 Design Day visitors learn about Team Ford's Qwikboard.
|  Paul Detkowski shares the day with dad and mom.
|  The MSU Union's Main Lounge fills up with Design Day guests.
 Wayne Stiles welcomes dad and mom to Design Day.
|  Junior high student Stijn Braunius visits MSU from Switzerland with his dad.
|  Josh Theisen poses with his mom and a future MSU computer science major.
 Dad, mom, and family members of Kate Bonnen mark the day with a picture.
|  Junior high students visit Team Motorola's exhibit of TVs and Xooms.
|  Design Day judges watch Team Auto-Owners project video.
 Team Spectrum Health waits anxiously to present to the judges.
|  Visitors enjoy projects from CSE, ME and ECE.
|  Team GE Aviation answers judges' questions about collision avoidance.
 The project video of Team Meijer demontrates their innovative self-checkout system.
|  The Lake Ontario Room is packed with family, friends and corporate sponsors.
|  Judge Adam Haas of Ford listens intently to Team Spectrum Health.
 Team Spectrum Health poses with one of their corporate clients, Tammy Rhoades.
|  Capstone alumnus Josh Kitchens, now at Ford, returns for Design Day.
|  Urban Science corporate clients Mark Bejin, Shannon Muldowney and Greg Davidison mark the day with their Capstone Team.
 Mehmet Barutcuoglu's mom travels all the way from Isantbul, Turkey for Design Day.
|  Team Sparrow snap a photo with their corporate clients Dan Nelson, Kevin Adler, and Scott Carney.
|  Judge Mike Drazan learns more about Team Urban Science's Visual Hierachy Selection system.
 Team Boeing explains their Battle Aircraft Position Share 2 game to Judge Karen Wrobel.
|  Judge Marty Strickler quizes Josh Theisen about Team Boeing's BAPS 2 project.
|  Team Ford answers questions about their Ford Qwikboard for Judge Ryan Abbott.
 Judges Vandy Johnson and Greg Davidson check out Team Meijer's new self checkout system.
|  Team GE Aviation present NextGen Aircraft Taxi Assistance to Judge Adam Haas.
|  Matt Bejin of Urban Science makes a point with Team Auto-Owners.
 Team Auto-Owners shows off their 24-Hour Road Service Mobile Apps to Judge Jim Schumacher.
|  Judge Rich Enbody quizzes Team GE Aviation.
|  Team Sparrow demonstrates their iSupport Device Managment System for Judge Louise Hemond-Wilson.
 Chief Justice Kevin Ohl asks a few final questions about Team Ford's Qwikboard.
|  The Honorable Melanie Foster, Vice Chairperson of the MSU Board of Trustees, welcomes the Award Ceremony guests.
|  Bob Buchanan, Senior Vice President of Auto-Owners Insurance and Executive Partner Sponsor of Design Day, gives the Award Ceremony opening remarks.
 The Santa Bob Quartet from Auto-Owners Insurance serenades the crowd with a special Design Day version of "Tis the Season".
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| |  College of Engineering Dean Satish Udpa closes the Awards Ceremony.