Our penultimate all-hands meeting.
|  Team Auto-Owners: Jeff Chapman, Michael Kerwin, Marie Buckner.
|  Team Boeing: Matthew France, Scott Buffa, Bryan Askins.
 Team Ford: Sam Djap, Derek Ulch, Josh Kitchens, Victor Kupatavetin.
|  Team GE Aviation: Nick Rafalski, Shawn Henry Adams, Adam Breece.
|  Team Medtronic: Zach Riggle, Joe Heldt, Chris Van Wiemeersch, Vu Bui.
 Team Meijer: Andrew Thielking, Austin McCarty, Matt Packowski.
|  Team Motorola: Brian Cripe, Drew Hanlon, Adnrew Rossow, Tim Aubel.
|  Team TechSmith: Suengmin Kim, Timothy Miller, Alex Nolley, Chris Dashbach.
 Team Urban Science: Nathan Goodrich, Dinesh Banda, Ryan Kelly.
|  Dr. D. makes last minute camera adjustments. What does this button do? Oops!
|  Design Day judge Louise Hemond-Wilson visits with Team Urban Science.
 Professor and Design Day judge Rich Enbody sips his tea while grilling Team Ford too early in the morning.
|  Team Medtronic answers tough questions from Design Day judges Dave Della Vedova and Damian Winslow.
|  Design Day judge Vandy Johnson adds some levity to the early morning hour with judge Kevin Ohl while visiting with Team GE Aviation.
 Team Boeing sits nervously while watching their project video with the Design Day judges.
|  Design Day judges are ready to pounce with probing technical questions.
|  Team Boeing handles Q&A about their project, O-Show for Simulation Software.
 Scott Buffa takes time for a quick picture with his parents.
|  CSE chairperson and professor Matt Mutka discusses Team Urban Science's Modern Online Analytical Processing Cube with Ryan Kelly.
|  Matt France marks the day with his proud mom and dad.
 Team Motorola demonstrates their Enhanced Program Guides for Mobile Devices to an interested guest.
|  Bryan Askins snaps a photo with a very special guest, his mom.
|  Vu Bui of Team Medtronic demonstrates the Medtronic Wellness Portal for a Design Day visitor.
 Capstone alumni, now professinal software developers, return to celebrate Design Day.
|  Andy Thielking explains Team Meijer's ITS Products and Services Request System to a group of local high school students.
|  Tim Aubel of Team Motorola shows off his pride and joy, the enhanced program guide iPad app.
 Andrew Rossow and Brian Cripe of Team Motorola explain their project to a local high school student.
|  Matt Packowski celebrates a successful Design Day and MSU career with his proud parents.
|  Marie Buckner of Team Auto-Owners demonstrates the Agent Multimedia Ad Builder for Design Day guests.
 The infamous Professor George Stockman learns about Team TechSmith's project, Extending Apps with Cloud Asset Sharing.
|  Local high school students enjoy a demonstration of Team Motorola's iPad app.
|  Team Urban Science's Ryan Kelly explains the benefits an OLAP cube to interested listners.
 Andy Thielking takes a break with his mom and dad for a photo op.
|  CSE associate chairperson and professor Abdol Esfahanian questions Alex Nolley of Team TechSmith.
|  Team Ford's Derek Ulch welcomes his proud mom to Design Day.
 CSE freshmen learn about Team Boeing's O-Show for Simulation Software.
|  Team Meijer fields tough questions from the Design Day judges.
|  A CSE freshman learns about Team Motorola's project from Andrew Rossow.
 Design Day judge Scott Carney probes Team Medtronic for more specifics on their Medtronic Wellness Portal.
|  A local news crew interviews Team GE Aviation.
|  Yet another tough question from a Design Day judge, Lousie Hemond-Wilson.
 The show goes on while Team Motorola is in the Lake Ontario Room presenting to the judges.
|  Andrew Rossow enjoys Design Day with with his mom and dad.
|  Design Day guests visit the CSE booths on the main floor of the MSU Union.
 Local high school students visit the Meijer table while the team presents to the judges.
|  Recent capstone alumni and corporate visitors listen to Team Boeing's Bryan Askins.
|  Team Medtronic's Joe Heldt checks out the project of Team Urban Science.
 Boeing corporate sponsor and mentor Jayson Vincent poses proudly with his team.
|  Adam Breece presents Team GE Aviation's Super Synoptics to a Design Day corporate visitor from GE.
|  Associate Dean Tom Wolf discusses Team GE Aviation's Super Synopics with Nick Rafalski.
 Team Motorola discusses their project with the Design Day judges.
|  Family, friends, recent team member Jonathan Szynkowski, and Motorola corporate sponsor Kabe VanderBaan listen intently to the Q&A.
|  Design Day judge Adam Haas poses a challenging question to Team Motorola.
 CSE Freshmen explore Team Motorola's booth while they present to the judges.
|  Design Day judges Louise Hemond-Wilson and Scott Carney visit with Team Boeing near the end of the morning.
|  Nathan Goodrich of Team Urban Science explains their OLAP cube to judge Karen Wrobel.
 Kevin Ohl, the leader of the Design Day judges, spends a few moments with Team Meijer before selecting the award winners.
|  Team Ford explains their project, Ford Idea Place Mobile Edition, to Design Day judge Vandy Johnson.
|  Team Urban Science poses with their corporate sponsors, Randy Berlin, Suzanne Dubois, and Mark Colosimo.
 Bob Buchanan, Senior Vice President, opens the Design Day Awards Ceremony on behalf of Auto-Owners Insurance.
|  Melanie Foster, Vice Chairperson of the MSU Board of Trustees, welcomes the Design Day Award Ceremony guests.
|  Team Meijer wins the Auto-Owners Insurance Exposition Award presented by Scott Lake and Bob Buchanan.
 Team Motorola is presented with the Chrysler Praxis Award by Karen Wrobel.
|  Dean Craven presents Team Medtronic with the TechSmith Screencast Award.
|  Team GE Aviation wins the Urban Science Sigma Award presented by Randy Berlin. |