Our penultimate all-hands meeting.
|  Team Auto-Owners: Joseph Lockard, Evan Dontje, Edward Weller.
|  Team Boeing: Jessica Parks, Jonathan Harris, Marc Coleman, Jeremiah Cunningham.
 Team Chrysler: Alex Walworth, Jong Jang, Ben Pedersen, Jun Lee.
|  Team GE Aviation: Cory Sites, Adam Dupler, Jordan Clare, Jason Ridgon.
|  Team Medtronic: Meghan McNeil, Karthik Chokkaram, Michael Keesey, Kevin Chen.
 Team Meijer: Joseph Blossom, Russell Valice, Jack Fritz.
|  Team Motorola: Jonathan Szynkowski, Robert Gaul, Brandon Malicoat, Kurt Seippel.
|  Team Raytheon: Philip Students, Scott Bishop, Tom Parker, Austin Gregory.
 Team TechSmith: Chan Choi, Ryan Oswald, Trevor Jelneck, Douglas Sheffer.
|  Team Terex: Edward Messing, Stephen Wakeford, Nicholas Gregg.
|  Team Urban Science: Shaun Gautz, Jeffrey Meador, Kaalem Lucky, Joshua Mackaluso.
 Team TechSmith completes setup of their Facebook Study Group APplication.
|  Austin and Scott of Team Raytheon make a few final checks.
|  Teams Medtronic and GE Aviation are ready.
 Brandon brandishes a remote while testing Team Motorola's Mobile User Generated Video Service.
|  Everybody's ready. The Quality Dairy donuts are gone. Let Design Day begin.
|  Team Medtronic demonstrates their Mobile Health Management System for MSU's Provost Kim Wilcox.
 Middle-schoolers check out GE Aviation's Flight Desk Lateral Map Display.
|  Team Urban Science explains their Automobile Dealer Apps for Mobile Devices.
|  Team GE Aviation poses with their corporate clients from Grand Rapids, Michigan.
 Team Boeing presents their XML Texture Composition to the Design Day judges.
|  Design Day judges enjoy a lighter moment during a long morning.
|  Some tough questions garner some tough looks from the Design Day judges.
 Karthik of Team Medtronic explains their iPhone app to MSU Professor Abdol Esfahanian.
|  Capstone team members from the other programs check out the CSE displays.
|  Meghan demos their Mobile Health Management System for Medtronic's CIO Vandy Johnson.
 Team Chrysler fields questions for the panel of Design Day judges.
|  The judges learn about the Flight Deck Lateral Map Display from Team GE Aviation.
|  Corporate clients and family members listens intently to Team GE Aviation's presentation.
 Jessica Parks poses with her dad, little brother, and a future MSU computer science major.
|  Team Raytheon marks the day with their corporate clients from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
|  Adam Dupler enjoys the day with his family.
 Presentations to the judges continue while guests visit the displays on the main floor.
|  Ed Messing takes a break with his dad and friend for a photo op.
|  MSU Professor George Stockman has some tough questions for Team Motorola.
 Brandon Malicoat marks the day with his proud dad and mom.
|  Team Raytheon discusses their Camera Control Appliance with their corporate clients from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
|  Proud family and friends pose with Jonathan Harris.
 Scott of Team Raytheon explains their Camera Control Appliance to middle school Design Day guests.
|  Jonathan Szynkowski celebrates the end of a long semester with his family.
|  Trevor Jelneck explains Team TechSmith's Facebook Study Group Application to a future Spartan.
 Team Medtronic poses with Medtronic CIO Vandy Johnson and Capstone Professor Wayne Dyksen.
|  Motorola corporate clients Kabe Vanderbaan enjoys a photo op with his Capstone team.
|  Design Day judges drill down with questions for Team Raytheon.
 Nicholas Gregg takes time for a quick picture with his proud parents.
|  Family, friends, and corporate clients watch Team Motorola present to the judges.
|  Team Urban Science stops for a picture with their corporate clients from Detroit, Michigan.
 The Facebook Study Group Application of Team TechSmith is presented to the judges.
|  Design Day judges Mike Drazan of Toro (center) and Vandy Johnson of Medtronic (right) take a much need break with MSU Provost Kim Wilcox.
|  Brandon explains the technical architecture of Team Motorola's Mobile User Generated Video Service.
 Shaun Gautz marks the day with proud parents and brothers.
|  Design Day judges listen to the eleventh consecutive presentation, this one by Team Urban Science.
|  Team Boeing demonstrates their XML Texture Decomposition to Design Day Judge Vandy Johnson of Medtronic.
 Design Day judge Professor Rich Enbody quizzes Team GE Aviation about their Flight Deck Lateral Map Display.
|  Jeffrey of Team Urban Science answers questions from Design Day judges Rick Rose of Chrysler and Mike Drazan of Toro.
|  Kevin Ohl, Design Day judge chairperson, asks about Team Meijer's Chief Information Officer Dashboard.
 Damian Winslow, Design Day judge from Dow Chemical, learns more about Team Terex's Enterprise Features for eCommerce.
|  Team Motorola answers questions for Design Day judge Naim Falandino of Covisint.
|  Judge Vandy Johnson of Medtronic learns more about Team Chrysler's Manufacturing Dashboard Migration.
 The Auto-Owners team shows off their Weather Incident Verification System to Design Day Judge Professor Rich Enbody.
|  Ron Simon, President and CEO of Auto-Owners Insurance, addresses the Design Day Awards Ceremony crowd.
|  Team GE Aviation wins the Auto-Owners Exposition Award presented by Ron Simon.
 Team Boeing is presented with the Chrysler Praxis Award by Rick Rose.
|  Dean Craven presents Team Medtronic with the TechSmith Screencast Award.
|  Team Motorola wins the Urban Science Sigma Award presented by Randy Berlin and Mark Colosimo.